Before we design a solution, we need to understand the problem that we are trying to solve. Let’s look at some of the environmental issues that the Nekton family have witnessed in The Deep. Break the class into six groups and assign one of the following clips to each group.
Group 1: Fishing lines, nets and pots
Group 2: Oil and illegal dumping
Group 3: Unidentified floating objects
Group 4: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Group 5: Illegal fishing and underwater mining
Group 6: Changing oceans and climate change
In your groups, watch the clips, discuss the following questions and identify your design challenge:
- What is the real-world problem the Necktons are facing?
- What else do you know about the impact that these issues are having on marine animals and ecosystems?
Identify the problem the Nektons and our oceans are facing, then write a design challenge statement that requires a solution using technology. For example, if your problem is that there are too many discarded fishing nets in the oceans, your design challenge statement could be: Design a piece of technology that will identify and remove discarded fishing nets from the oceans.