Runt Resource

Year Level: 3-4 5-6
Learning Area: English The Arts

Years 3 - 6

    Task 1: Getting Started

    Written by Craig Silvey and illustrated by Sara Acton, the novel Runt was published in 2022 and later adapted as a feature film. The film will premiere in Australian cinemas in September 2024 the...

    Task 2: Film Tailer

    The Runt trailer reveals more information than the film poster and synopsis but still leaves audiences guessing about the story. 

    Task 3: Creative Influences

    In an interview for a Teaching Resource (see Additional Resources), author Craig Silvey was asked whether any books or films influenced his writing of Runt. He replied: 

    Task 4: Underdog Stories

    The tagline on the Runt film poster says, ‘Every underdog has its day’.   ... What makes Runt an underdog story? As a class, discuss and identify narrative elements common to underdog . What...

    Task 5: Themes

    In a class discussion, ask students to share their prior knowledge of themes. What is a theme and what are some examples from books or films they have enjoyed?   ... Clarify for students that ...

    Task 6: Film Settings

    Given that author and screenwriter Craig Silvey is from Western Australia and has described himself as a ‘parochial Western Australian storyteller’, Runt was always destined to be filmed the ...

    Task 7: Instructional Text

    Runt’s success in agility competitions can be partly attributed to his talent for evading capture as a stray dog in Upson Downs. Annie’s connection with Runt, her perseverance and her also a...

    Task 8: Personal Response

    In Runt, young Annie Shearer and her dog try to win a lucrative dog agility competition in London. The prize money would be enough to pay off her parents’ overdraft at the bank and save the ...

    Task 9: Page-to-Screen Adaptations

    The Runt novel was published before the film was released, but the story was always intended for the screen.  ... “Runt began as a film project; I conceived of this as a cinematic vehicle to ...

    Task 10: Film Review

    After viewing Runt, invite students to write from the perspective of a film critic for an online publication. Students could write, voice record or video record their brief review. They should ...

    Runt Resource Worksheets

    Teachers, these free printables from Studio Canal can be incorporated in your unit or saved for a rainy day!