About This Learning Resource

This learning resource has been developed to support students and teachers in Years 9 to 12 to explore the Australian television series More Than This in the classroom and beyond. 

More Than This is a teen drama that explores the wide range of emotions and challenges high school students face in their lives, as characters explore identity and belonging, gender identity and sexuality, relationships, family and academic pressures and taking risks. Read more about the series here.

Getting Started

More Than This, including the scenes in this resource, was rated M by Paramount+ and is recommended for viewers over the age of 15. This learning resource explores the challenges faced by the characters in More Than This. These challenges may be relatable for your students and may prompt questions, trigger memories and stir emotions.

Teachers are encouraged to watch the series and explore the learning resource before sharing with students. We recommends that students watch the full More Than This series before implementing this learning resource in the classroom. More Than This is available for download in the ACTF shop.

Kids Helpline

If any of the content in More Than This or this learning resource raises any issues for your students, Kids Helpline’s qualified counsellors are available via WebChat, phone or email anytime and for any reason. 

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Visit kidshelpline.com.au or call 1800 55 1800

The Lessons

This resource provides students and teachers with a range of classroom materials including, scene excerpts, learning tasks, and podcast discussions to support the framing and exploration of More Than This through five lessons. These lessons explore: 

  • Identity & belonging

    In this lesson, you learn how a person’s identity can influence the way they’re treated in our society, the importance of belonging and how we can be allies to others.

  • Gender identity & sexuality

    In this lesson, you learn what it means to be a member of the LGBTIQA+ community, the challenges faced by LGBTIQA+ people in schools and how we can support LGBTIQA+ peers through allyship.

  • Consent & respectful relationships

    In this lesson, you learn that consent can take many forms and that there are different ways to ask for and give consent to support respectful relationships.

  • Family, peer & academic pressure

    In this lesson, you learn to identify situations which can cause stress in our lives, when to seek help, and where to go for support or advice.

  • Mental health

    In this lesson, you learn how to define mental health and how to respond to mental health disorders through self-care and by supporting others.

Lesson outlines include a learning intention and recommended duration. These lessons can be completed as a sequence or teachers can choose to focus on one or more lessons. Each task is student facing, allowing teachers to send direct links to the lessons for students to complete specific tasks. Tasks include whole class and small group discussions and activities and teachers are encouraged to support the framing and direction of these discussions.

Even More Than This Podcast

What does it mean to be an adolescent today? Is it complicated, hard, fulfilling, or all of these things?

Anika and Ling, teen podcast hosts, examine the challenging journey of teenage life today in the podcast Even More Than This which explores the characters and storylines from More Than This. Filled with riveting discussions of finding the right friends, sexuality in high school, peer pressures, mental health and so much more, Anika and Ling reflect on their observations and experiences of the world. Being a teen in this day and age is challenging, but nonetheless gratifying - let these conversations support students to navigate their place in the world. 

The Even More Than This podcast is coming late 2022.

Curriculum Links

Health and Physical Education Years 9 & 10
AC9HP10P01; AC9HP10P02; AC9HP10P04; AC9HP10P05; AC9HP10P07; AC9HP10P08; AC9HP10P10

Media Arts Years 9 & 10
AC9AMA10E01; AC9AMA10C01; AC9AMA10C02; AC9AMA10P01 

English Year 9 
AC9E9LA01; AC9E9LA02AC9E9LA07; AC9E9LE06; AC9E9LY01; AC9E9LY02; AC9E9LY06

English Year 10
AC9E10LA01; AC9E10LA02; AC9E10LA07; AC9E10LE06; AC9E10LE08; AC9E10LY01; AC9E10LY02; AC9E10LY06; AC9E10LY07 

Years 11 & 12
Whilst the Australian Curriculum does not outline content descriptors for Years 11 and 12, consent education is mandated in all Australian schools from 2023. Many schools also hold workshops and lessons for Year 11 and 12 students to support the challenges they face, including academic pressure, exploring identity, building respectful relationships and managing mental health - all of which are explored in the More Than This learning resource.

Downloading this learning resource

If you are having difficulties with the internet connection in your school you can download all the clips from the show here.

Each lesson can also be downloaded by selecting the PRINT PAGE button on each lesson page and saving as a PDF.


The ACTF would like to better understand how teachers are using our resources in the classroom. Please send any student work, with permission, to education@actf.com.au

We welcome feedback from teachers who have delivered and adapted our resources. Please reach out to education@actf.com.au with questions, comments and suggestions.


This learning resource was developed by the Australian Children’s Television Foundation in collaboration with Archie Beetle from Queer Town.