In this lesson, we are learning to:
- Describe the qualities of a good friend.
- Identify skills for initiating and developing friendships.
- Make and share personal connections to a text.
In this lesson, we are learning to:
Episode: ‘The Dawg’ – Eddie discovers that sometimes you can try too hard to be liked.
Find 'The Dawg' on NITV, Netflix or SBS On Demand.
Capture students’ interest and elicit their prior knowledge about friendships by jointly constructing a large ‘Friendship’ Y-chart. Label the three sections ‘looks like’, ‘sounds like’ and ‘feels like’, then ask the class to contribute ideas for each section. Suggestions might include:
This anchor chart can be displayed in the classroom and referred to throughout the year.
With a shared understanding of positive friendships now established, explain to students that they will watch an episode about making friends. In the Eddies Lil’ Homies episode titled ‘The Dawg’, Eddie is determined to befriend Champ the dog. The more ambivalent Champ becomes, the harder Eddie tries to win him over.
After viewing the episode, have students use the Think-Pair-Share strategy to reflect on and discuss the awkward relationship between Eddie and Champ. Could Eddie have done anything differently? Would you do anything differently in a situation like this?
Highlight for students some of the strategies that Eddie used to befriend Champ:
Then ask students to reflect on and share how they approach new friendships. What might they do or say while making a new friend?
This could include:
Arranging a play after school.
Remaining in their groups, ask students to identify and discuss any strategies or programs at school that help children to make friends. For example, the school may have a Buddies program, a friendship bench or lunchtime clubs. Challenge each group to think of one new initiative that could help students make friends. Invite groups to share their thoughts with the wider class and discuss whether these ideas should be shared with the principal or student leaders.
In this lesson, students considered what makes a good friend and the skills for making new friends. Like Eddie and Champ in this episode, it is also important for students to know when to let go of a friendship.
Explain to students that it does take time and effort to make a good friend, but friendship shouldn’t feel like hard work or like a goal to achieve; it should be fun, comfortable and reciprocated. While it may feel scary or disappointing, it is often better to let go of a friendship if one person is disinterested. As Eddie discovered, we can still be kind to others without being great friends.
As a creative text response, ask students to individually design a playground clubhouse. They should include everything they will need to have fun with new and old friends.
Foundation |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Critical and Creative Thinking |
Transfer knowledge |
Connect ideas and information between familiar learning experiences. |
Use ideas and information from a previous experience to inform similar learning experiences. |
English |
Literature |
AC9EFLE02Respond to stories and share feelings and thoughts about their events and characters.AC9EFLE04Explore and replicate the rhythms and sound patterns of literary texts such as poems, rhymes and songs.AC9EFLE05Retell and adapt familiar literary texts through play, performance, images or writing. |
AC9E1LE02Discuss literary texts and share responses by making connections with students’ own experiences.AC9E1LE04Listen to and discuss poems, chants, rhymes and songs, and imitate and invent sound patterns including alliteration and rhyme.AC9E1LE05Orally retell or adapt a familiar story using plot and characters, language features including vocabulary, and structure of a familiar text, through role-play, writing, drawing or digital tools. |
AC9E2LE02Identify features of literary texts, such as characters and settings, and give reasons for personal preferences.AC9E2LE04Identify, reproduce and experiment with rhythmic sound and word patterns in poems, chants, rhymes or songs.AC9E2LE05Create and edit literary texts by adapting structures and language features of familiar literary texts through drawing, writing, performance and digital tools. |
Literacy |
AC9EFLY02Interact in informal and structured situations by listening while others speak and using features of voice including volume levels. |
AC9E1LY02Use interaction skills including turn-taking, speaking clearly, using active listening behaviours and responding to the contributions of others, and contributing ideas and questions. |
AC9E2LY02Use interaction skills when engaging with topics, actively listening to others, receiving instructions and extending own ideas, speaking appropriately, expressing and responding to opinions, making statements, and giving instructions. |
Health and Physical Education |
Personal, social and community health |
AC9HPFP02Practise personal and social skills to interact respectfully with others.AC9HPFP03Express and describe emotions they experience. |
AC9HP2P02Identify and explore skills and strategies to develop respectful relationships.AC9HP2P03Identify how different situations influence emotional responses. |
Personal and Social Capability |
Relational awareness |
Share feelings, needs and interests with others through play and working within diverse groups. |
Describe ways they can initiate and develop relationships, including identifying how others may feel in a range of contexts. |
Empathy |
Demonstrate an awareness of the needs, emotions, cultures and backgrounds of others. |
Describe similarities and differences between the needs, emotions, cultures and backgrounds of themselves and others. |